Hi, Can I speak with Oprah Please?
By Wayne Kelly
Congratulations! Your book is finished. You have boxes and boxes of books in your basement and you're wondering, "Now what?"
You start selling your books door to door, you try friends, book stores, but there must be an easier way. There is.
It's Radio and TV. These mediums can reach hundreds-of-thousands and even millions of people with one interview.
I know what you're thinking (because every author thinks it)"If I could only get on Oprah." Right?
Admit it! I haven't met an author yet who hasn't said that.
But Oprah is the final Stanley Cup Game - The Masters Golf Tournament - The Superbowl - The Tour de'France. She is the best of the best.
But, you CAN get on Oprah - by starting small and working your way to the big leagues.
The first thing I want to show you is how to package your pitch.
Radio and TV are about educating and entertaining. If you show a producer that you can do either, you have a better chance of getting a ton of Publicity for free.
The number one mistake authors make when pitching to a radio or TV station for an interview is: they ask to be on the show because they have a new book. Producers don't care that you have a new book. They want listeners and viewers to stay on their station for five more minutes. IF they find something or someone who can help them achieve this, then they will put you on the radio or TV.
For example, if your book deals with children not being able to socialize anymore, try packaging an idea like this:
'Millions of teenagers have lost social skills because they spend too much time on their x-box or computers. Joan Smith has five tips on how to re-socialize your teen without them hating you.'
Do you see how that has a better chance of hooking a producer?
You identified a problem.
You told me it's a big.
And you offered a solution.
Once you start thinking education, problem, and solution, all while being entertaining, then I'll book you on my show!
I'll See You on the Radio!
Wayne Kelly
Wayne Kelly is the award winning Morning Host of the Wayne and Jayne Show in BC Canada. He's the founder of On-Air Publicity, the fastest growing radio PR program online today.
He's won 2 Canadian Association of Broadcasters Awards (The Grammy for Radio)
- Been Awarded the BCAB 'Performer of Tomorrow'
- His show raised $165,000 for charity in 10 days
- He has broadcast his radio show live from Ground Zero with nothing more than a cell phone and a heavy heart.
He's interviewed thousands of people from Celebrities to UFO experts, Singing psychics and Inventors. Wayne Kelly - "The Radio Guy" Teaching Authors, Speakers and Coaches how to get booked and be a HOT Radio Guest in 30 Days or Less! http://www.OnAirPublicity.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wayne_Kelly
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