Marketing Your Book
Eight Unique Ways to Promote Your Book
Whether you have just completed your first, third or fifth book you want to see it succeed. Book promotion is a daunting task that can leave even a seasoned publicist floundering for ideas. There are thousands of books jockeying for the readers' attention and you want your book to be their first choice. Promoting a book is like being a cross between Houdini and a detective. You have got to sleuth for creative promoting avenues then magically tie them to your book to maximize revenue-generating publicity.
With these super easy tips, you can promote your book like a pro. Promoting should be done off and on-line. Your goal is not only to be creative but to garner as much publicity for your book as possible. On all the items listed below be sure to include your book cover, website address, contact information, and, always a must, ordering information.Magnetic signs: We have all seen these signs on vehicles advertising everything from AVON to plumbing services. Why not use them to promote your book? Full-color magnetic signs placed on the sides of your car are the ultimate advertising tools. If your daily commute is anything like mine, an hour each way to work, hundreds of people can see them on a daily basis. They are relatively cheap. Depending on the size and design you choose, you can get a pair ranging from $18.00 to $85.00. All you have to do is email the company the verbiage, a succinct description of your book, website address and a .JPEG of your book cover. Be sure to review the proof they send you. The company can have a custom sign to you within three to five business days.
Create your own blog: Blog, what a funny sounding word, it almost sounds like you are regurgitating lunch. But trust me there is nothing funny about it. Having a blog has become one of the coolest and in some cases most profitable things on the Web. Blog, nickname for web log, is an online personal journal on which you can add links to your favorite sites. A blog can take your diary ramblings and turn them into a publicity-generating machine. Depending on the popularity of your blog it can receive more than one hundred thousand hits a day. A blog provides an excellent venue to showcase your writing in addition to keeping your fans abreast on what is going on with you. Be sure to include a link on your blog that point visitors back to your main website for them to read an excerpt of your book and to purchase it.A mug: My agent, Bob Diforio, had my book cover emblazed on a coffee mug. The mug can also serve double duty as a candy dish. If you work in an office, give one to the receptionist to use as a candy dish, that way every visitor to the office will see it.
An acrylic holder: You can make your own holder or order one from a promotional item company. Hang the holder on your car window to hold your postcards. Whenever you stop at a store, pull out your holder. Passersby can take a postcard while you are shopping.Clothing: Make this a family event. Have your book cover, website address and succinct information on your book emblazed on a T-shirt, baseball cap, sweatpants, etc. Have family members wear their T-shirts and/or baseball caps whenever the opportunity presents itself. At the gym, out shopping, or just out getting ice cream. There's no better walking billboard than your loved ones.
Advertise on The creation of this website has allowed individuals to keep in touch with or renew acquaintances from years past. For a nominal fee you can send an announcement of your new book to the alumni of your high school and college. Although they restrict you from adding a URL to your announcement, you can still add information that will get noticed. For example I used: Desiree Day has just published her novel Crazy Love. Interested readers can then Google me to find my website.Independent Book Sellers (IBS): By now you should know the names of all the IBS within a one hundred mile radius of your home. A number of them collect demographical information on their customers, such as name, mailing address and email address. This is vital information that you can use in promoting your book. Contact the owner to see if they are willing to mail out your promotional materials. However; if they do mail your information, be prepared to pay postage.
You: Keep a copy of your book with you at all times. Just having it is bound to elicit questions. This is an especially excellent technique if you are on public transportation. Anyone within three feet of you is bound to ask what you are reading. Also have a supply of your postcards to pass out to everyone you meet.Do not forget that you can also promote your book by writing articles, facilitating a workshop, volunteer as a panelist, and joining an assortment of professional associations and organizations.
You can tack your postcards on local bulletin boards, post your web site on Yahoo and MSN groups, have a friend host a book signing/reading party and, finally, send press releases to independent booksellers.
Desiree Day
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